Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Long Time Ago, on a Piece of Paper Far, Far Away

Episode IV
On the western side of Grovia, on the commonly recognized Orc/Human border, Fort Alder stands battered, but holding firm from increasingly aggressive Orc attacks. The fort has little supplies left, and it's guard grows weak and weary.

Three adventurers have heard the fort's calls for aid. The valiant paladin, Justice Coverdale is more than ready to vanquish all evil. Jaric Warsong, a strict law abiding cleric, seeks to cleanse his family's past by delivering justice throughout the lands. Grugg Thorn, a half-orc barbarian, tears into battle with a good heart, but not always the best plans.

The group had to make its way past some vicious critters in the woods, and then slashed their way through a bunch of kobolds. One kobold took a parting shot that stabbed Grugg Thorn right in his "emeralds". With a vicious roar that scattered birds for miles around, Grugg chased down the last kobold and sent him to kobold hell.

So far the group has survived a vicious attack on the fort by the orcs. Grugg was knocked unconscious, but was quickly revived. Seeing the orcs aggression first-hand the group scouted into the woods to find the orc encampment. They found some orcs in a graveyard, and Jaric immediately recognized some amateur, but effective, necromancy raising the dead. The group quickly jumped the orcs, and disrupted their efforts. By shoving one orc into an open grave the cohesive group evened the odds. Unfortunately Jaric's skills at turning a lone, weak skeleton were not up to par. The remaining orcs called for reinforcements, but didn't live to see them arrive. The valiant scouting party made haste back to Fort Alder with evidence of something more sinister spurring the orcs into battle.

After resting through the night the group went out to dispatch some gnolls, which happened with little trouble. However they returned to find another group of orcs ready to storm the fort. They caught the orcs and their undead cohort flat-footed. Grugg charged and silenced an orc before anyone knew what happened. And on this day Jaric easily turned the undead cohort against the attackers. However Coverdale tripped charging up the hill to attack an orc providing covering fire. Defenders inside the fort heard the comotion outside and helped to vanquish the foes.

After all was said and done, the group again won the day with little threat to the fort. They found some nice loot, some good friends, and perhaps something bad inside Fort Alder itself.

1 comment:

Roberthead said...

I'd leave a real comment sometime when I don't have to head out the door to work.