Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Final Night of Salazaar Silvertongue

I overheard this one at the Seawall docks just before heading out to sea...

Sailor 1: So what was all that clammerin' in the streets last night by the damned City Guard?

Sailor 2: Buncha fancy lads started a grand fight last night in the pub, and one of them lost their lives, as well a few drinkers in the pub.

Sailor 1: Another tale worth about as much as sea foam. Ye was prolly fast asleep at sundown.

Sailor 2: May Pelor strike me down if I was. I went down to the bar, and completed me 'to-do' list.

Sailor 1: Why in Pelor's name do ye have a 'to-do' list fer a grimy pub?

Sailor 2: It's a joke, fool. I had two things on my list. Drinking ale and kicking land lubber arse. Took care of 'em both.

Sailor 1: Well what really happened then?

Sailor 2: Thar we all sat, drinkin' an' singin', when in walks a threesome of fancy-pants adventurers. Ye know the type.

Sailor 1: Aye!! heh heh

Sailor 2: So this bloke at the next table wings a bar mug right at the door, an' catches the daintiest of the three square in his face. HAR HARRR!! Lubber looked like he coulda gone toe-to-toe with Davy Jones 'imself he was so mad.

Sailor 1: So what did ye' do? Take up for them, and knock down the bloke?

Sailor 2: Hell no! I sat there drinkin' me ale whilst the three went over and yapped to the Cap'n at the bar.

Sailor 1: Dunna sound like much of a fight.

Sailor 2: It wasn't until one of the three, hefty bastard wearing shinny armor, came by the bloke's table and gave 'im a good shove. Tryin' to start somethin' he was.

Well the bloke shot right outta his chair, but 'fore hardly a word he was run through by the chap that got hit in the damn face. Bastard yelled out something about being named Salamander Silvertongue or some such, and tried to take on the whole bar.

Sailor 1: Where were ye then?

Sailor 2: Seeing that I got right up to get in the folly. The hefty bastard tried going on about how the bloke that lay bleedin' on the deck was a deadly criminal. 'Ell I saw him at the docks just two morns ago. Wasn't no bloody criminal. We didn't buy it, an' he knew it. So he started swingin' his blade, and the third fancy-lad...Oh yeah, a lousy piece of sea scum elf he was!! Anyhow the elf takes out a bow and starts shootin' as he backs towards the door. It was melee at that point

Sailor 1: What did ye do?

Sailor 2: We all gots round them in a circle, and started swingin our fists like the fury of Hextor.
The three dropped a few weak blokes but when I got to 'em I let out some wrath.

The three were backin' towards the door, but no way was I lettin' that Salamander fella go. We tore into him like a shark on a chum bucket. He started screamin' like a stuck pig, but to the floor he went. We stomped until he didn't squirm no more. He's rat food in the back alley now I'd say.

Sailor 1: And the other two?

Sailor 2: Slippery little elf made it out the door when the hefty bastard finally got a little smart and lightened his coin purse. He took out his coin purse and tossed a thousand or so gold in the air. That got EVERYONE off their arses. 100 people dove to the floor in search of his riches.

The two made off like darkness runnin' from Pelor's light.

Sailor 1: Ne'er saw 'em again?

Sailor 2: Aye, but I coulda sworn I saw the hefty guy awhile ago tryin' to sneak onto a ship by offerin' some more coins to the load master. Little did he know that load master is as tighter than a princesses hindquarters, and can't be bought so cheap.

Hell we coulda used his brute on the ship for all I care. Free ride here.

Sailor 1: Ya would na killed him on sight?

Sailor 2: No. Last night was over, an' I just wanted a fight then. He was just lookin' for a fight 'imself, and it was that Salamander that went nuts. Everyone the hefty bastard hit woke up a little afterwards.

Dunna think it was him though. He was travellin' with a slave in a turban....WAIT!! That was the damn elf. Shoulda knew that.

Sailor 1: HAR HAR!!! You could na spot a mermaid in a dish tub, ya drunken bastard ya. An' ya would na fight a sleepin' titmouse. Now lift this bale.

Sailor 2: Lift you off this deck with a single blow, I will....

Story ended there, far as I could hear...
-- John Primus
"A Fisherman's Tale and Dockside Stories"

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Part 2 -- Warsong - 10 Generations of Justice, Scandal, Loyalty, and Betrayal

Chapter VIII
Hison, the eighth generation of Warsongs, was known for his almost devout following of the law. Nothing was closer to his heart than the law of the land. This fact most likely led to his fall from grace. Hison was so loyal to the law, that he forgot his family was loyal to the Creswell family, not the law.

Hison was often heard to be interfering with lawmakers, judges, and the many glad-handers that kept their businesses alive by kicking back some profits to the very same lawmakers, judges, and ultimately the Creswell family. When his constant prodding for an outright overhaul of the tax system became a public audit of the Creswell coffers, he was all but kicked out of town.

Although the move to Personal Adjutant to the King was said to be a promotion, it was obvious that being constantly moved around outlying cities to report on kobold incursions was just the opposite. Still Hison performed his duties with efficiency, and was rather liked in most of the towns he visited.

But Hison was greeted with disdain in Fort Oak, near Akl's Rest. Fort Oak was on the edge of the human controlled area, and in such far reaching areas the law must be flexible. There was a embargo against the orcs in those days, but around Fort Oak the orcs lived peacefully. In exchange for being allowed to hunt beyond the border, the orcs provided the fort with fresh goods and meat. Hison saw the orcs as traitorous vermin, and accused the fort captain, Jorn Terreth, as a spy.

The Captain Terreth had enough of Hison Warsong's intrusions into the fort operations, and with his reputation now marred he sought to end Hison's career. As luck would have it, Capt. Terreth found a dagger with the Warsong family seal the day after Hison left the fort. The captain had used the orcs to find a some assassins from Vonn's Toe. Capt. Terreth got the dagger to the assassins, and the assassins followed Hison back to Creswell.

When a Warsong dagger was found in a Creswell's back, literally. The die was cast, and the Warsong's were unceremoniously removed from the noble class. Although never found guilty of any wrong doing, the dagger made it easy to run the Warsongs out of town on a rail.

Much has been written on this subject, so I won't dwell on it much. But I should mention that in my studies I honestly believe Hison was totally innocent, and some Creswell family members were involved.

Hison moved to Long Strand with his two sons, Issac and Iandak. There he lived a simple life as a fisherman.

Chapter IX
Issac and Iandak lived a life of luxury under Hison, but that all changed with the scandal. Issac and Iandak were 14 when the family was forced out of Creswell. The two produced radically different reactions to the change of life.

Issac was a stubborn young man, and loved the limited celebrity being a Warsong brought him. He was angry at the news, and in him was built a tragic hatred for nobility. He lived most of life railing against all that was wrong with society, and he swore to right the wrongs done to his father.

Matters were not helped by Hison's own anger. His elder twin son became a good friend to which he could tell his frustrations. Issac took his father's views to heart, and from them he formed his own twisted opinions of life.

Sadly all Issac's rants ever got him was a few bloody noses and some nights in the stockade. He often tried to join the city guard or other military pursuits, but his name and angry record preceded him. He did become quite a brawler, and very handy with a sword. He taught these skills to his son, Joseph, but lived out his life fishing the sea like his father.

For reasons unknown Hison, still a believer in the law, sent the second twin to learn law and justice in Fallen Birch.

Iandak studied earnestly, and became a successful businessman. He could never enter the local legal or political scene due to his family's history. This haunted him his entire life, but he lived a quiet, rich life running a few sawmills. He met a fine young woman from Fallen Birch, and she bore him a son, Jaric.

Iandak often sent aid to his family in Long Strand, and asked Issac to come work for him. Sadly the two brothers were never close. They only saw each other a few times after the age of 30.

Chapter X
The story of Joseph and Jaric is still being written. This is what I know so far.

Joseph returned to Creswell for a time. Somewhat of a brute and very straight-forward he asked to join the Creswell guard. He gave a very convincing case, and was given an assignment in Seawall. From there a life of adventure awaited.

Jaric went to school as his father did, but the life of a judge or lawyer was not for him. He left school after learning his family history from the school's libraries. He became somewhat unhappy with life. One morning he found himself on the steps of a Wee Jas temple. An unassuming man came out and offered him breakfast inside. From there he became a cleric of Wee Jas.

I met Jaric one day in Creswell oddly enough. He was carrying a mace, and not the typical dagger Wee Jas followers usually have. Seems he's still carrying the burden of the Warsong name. The temple wants some proof of his loyalty before granting him the honor of a Wee Jas symbol.

The Warsong story continues on from there....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Part 1 -- Warsong - 10 Generations of Justice, Scandal, Loyalty, and Betrayal

These papers were found on the corpse of an old wanderer found dead from exposure not far from Seawall. Seems the man called himself the 'Wandering historian of Grovia' but little other identification.
-- City Guard Patrol Report

Chapter I
Not everyone you meet in Grovia will know the name Warsong. However in every town and villa you will find at least one person that knows the name. Usually that person is someone that either is or was involved in politics (or rather the dirty underbelly of nobility and leadership). The Warsong tale is usually heard by bar flies patronizing kook conspiracy theorists as they distort the stories with lunacy and cheap ale. This is the best, and most undeniable, story I have been able to assemble about their history.

Any Warsong story cannot get far without mentioning the Creswell family. The Creswell bloodline founded their namesake city, and they have ruled and controlled it as easy as a mallard glides across the water. However if you check under any mallard gliding across a lake you will find two little webbed feet hustling through the water. The Warsongs are the Creswell's hustling feet. When something needed to be done, and the Creswell's had to keep that graceful image, a Warsong took care of it. This relationship was unchanged, until about 75 years ago. But let us begin at the beginning.

Each generation of Warsong males is given a name that begins with the next letter of the alphabet. Ten generations ago appropriately named Adam Warsong started this tradition.
Adam the Enforcer begat Belvon the Cruel.
Who begat Cranan the Loyal.
Who begat David the ....
Who begat Ephram the Unmerciful.
Who begat Fordham the Adventurous.
Who begat Grathan the Handsom.
Who begat Hison the Unyielding (later the Betrayer).
Who begat Issac and Iandak.
Who begat Joseph and Jaric (respectively).

There are two crucial details that need to be gleaned from this chronology. First the ages at which each had their children. Issac, the elder of the two, begat Joseph at the young age of 21. While Iandak had Jaric at a much older age of 37. Second notice there has only ever been one son in eight consecutive generations. Very odd and possibly a source of the Warsong's sordid history. Perhaps there were more sons.

[Remaining pages of chapter not found]
City Guard Notes
This is erroneous. My personal knowledge of the Warsong family made me suspect this line. A quick check of birth records say that Iandak was 22 when Jaric arrived. Which makes sense as Issac & Iandak were twin brothers. However Joseph & Jaric were born in the same year, but different times of the year. Perhaps throwing off some histories.
Curious that such an obvious error occurred in otherwise correct writings. I will search for more of this man's writings. He writes an interesting story.
--P. Sedzo, Corporal
Seawall City Guard

Chapter II
Adam was a childhood friend of King John Creswell III, who of course is well known for setting the City of Creswell on the path it's on today. Young Adam and John were very close, and stayed that way throughout life. When John Creswell received his coronation Adam Warsong was seated as a Creswell family member. Although such matters of high society are often lost on the commoner, such a breach of etiquette didn't miss the city of Creswell's upper crust. However this little bit of gossip was overtaken when there was an attempt on the new king's life.

The king was saved by his personal guard, but one assassin got away. It was Adam that left no stone unturned in the search for the assassin. Within a few weeks Adam Warsong had turned a simple manhunt into a successful counter-espionage operations. In six short months a crime syndicate that had run amok in Creswell for generations was ran out of town, and ultimately to the far reaches of the continent. This earned Adam Warsong the title 'Enforcer', and made the Warsongs a fixture in Creswell's high society.

Many other....
[Remaining pages of chapter not found]

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Long Time Ago, on a Piece of Paper Far, Far Away

Episode IV
On the western side of Grovia, on the commonly recognized Orc/Human border, Fort Alder stands battered, but holding firm from increasingly aggressive Orc attacks. The fort has little supplies left, and it's guard grows weak and weary.

Three adventurers have heard the fort's calls for aid. The valiant paladin, Justice Coverdale is more than ready to vanquish all evil. Jaric Warsong, a strict law abiding cleric, seeks to cleanse his family's past by delivering justice throughout the lands. Grugg Thorn, a half-orc barbarian, tears into battle with a good heart, but not always the best plans.

The group had to make its way past some vicious critters in the woods, and then slashed their way through a bunch of kobolds. One kobold took a parting shot that stabbed Grugg Thorn right in his "emeralds". With a vicious roar that scattered birds for miles around, Grugg chased down the last kobold and sent him to kobold hell.

So far the group has survived a vicious attack on the fort by the orcs. Grugg was knocked unconscious, but was quickly revived. Seeing the orcs aggression first-hand the group scouted into the woods to find the orc encampment. They found some orcs in a graveyard, and Jaric immediately recognized some amateur, but effective, necromancy raising the dead. The group quickly jumped the orcs, and disrupted their efforts. By shoving one orc into an open grave the cohesive group evened the odds. Unfortunately Jaric's skills at turning a lone, weak skeleton were not up to par. The remaining orcs called for reinforcements, but didn't live to see them arrive. The valiant scouting party made haste back to Fort Alder with evidence of something more sinister spurring the orcs into battle.

After resting through the night the group went out to dispatch some gnolls, which happened with little trouble. However they returned to find another group of orcs ready to storm the fort. They caught the orcs and their undead cohort flat-footed. Grugg charged and silenced an orc before anyone knew what happened. And on this day Jaric easily turned the undead cohort against the attackers. However Coverdale tripped charging up the hill to attack an orc providing covering fire. Defenders inside the fort heard the comotion outside and helped to vanquish the foes.

After all was said and done, the group again won the day with little threat to the fort. They found some nice loot, some good friends, and perhaps something bad inside Fort Alder itself.